The Results Package

$4,000.00 every month

This package includes up to 20 hours a month of campaign oversight, internal HRIS meetings, and vendor meetings. The package is designed to put out the fire, then move to a lower tier.

Tier 3 is for when you need an expert to come in right now and solve a problem. You could have severe technical problems, rampant overspending, or need to launch with a new technology and want to make sure everything goes smoothly.


One of the toughest decisions we made in building this tier was what to charge. Experience tells me that when you’re in bad shape, you’ll pay anything to make the problem go away. And in all fairness, you can be looking at a six month project that takes long days, on-site visits, and a lot of documentation. That’s not what we’re doing here. I’m working as a guide for your team to learn how to solve the problems. They’re doing the documentation, they’re pushing the internal teams to make changes, and they’re learning how to report up and down the chain. If you really need help that is almost full-time, I can refer it out. Or - in six months, we’ll have the capability of bringing on contractors to play prevent defense.